The world would be a better place without state-sponsored cyberattacks… without criminals working to steal your data… without, every so often, one of your own employees becoming a threat. But these are realities we live with today. Proactive measures are the only option. The moment your environment is compromised, it’s already too late. 

Disaster recovery as a service is a cloud computing and backup service model that uses cloud resources to protect applications and data from disruption caused by disaster. It gives an organization a total system backup that allows for business continuity in the event of system failure.

DRaaS enables the full replication and backup of all cloud data and applications while serving as a secondary infrastructure. It actually becomes the new environment and allows an organization and users to continue with daily business processes while the primary system undergoes repair. DRaaS allows these applications to run on virtual machines (VM) at any time, even without a real disaster.

DRaaS is also available to organizations that employ on-premise solutions, making it a workable gateway and sandbox to test cloud computing. It requires an organization to replicate a system on the cloud without discarding its on-premise system and, once backed up, enables testing of such a system.

DRaaS advantages are as follows:

  • Multisite: Because DRaaS is 100 percent cloud computing, resources are replicated to many different sites to ensure continuous backup in the event that one or more sites is unavailable.
  • Array agnostic: DRaaS replicates any environment and does not favor one vendor or platform.
  • Granular or comprehensive: Depending on customer requirements, if not all data requires backup, an organization can reduce costs with flexibility protection.

Regardless of your business size, you are at risk. Please be proactive and protect your business! If you don’t know where to start, or if you want us to take a look at what you have already, CONTACT US TODAY!! If you are interested, fill out a quick assessment below and we will be able to provide you with the best options for your company.

Source by Techopedia